Nanobubbles are Tiny bubbles, with a size less than 1000 nanometers or one micron, These are the size of a virus and imperceptible to the human eye, which have the Unique ability to transport gases far more efficiently than any other known system. The special thing about nanobubbles lies in their ability to remain in the liquid medium for days or weeks, their ability to reduce surface tension, and their sanitizing power, which makes them more suitable for their ability to remain in the liquid medium. It allows you to effectively eliminate fungi and batteries. These properties are in accordance with the standard promoted by the FBIA (Fine Bubble Industries Association).



Conventional bubbles and micro bubbles rise to the surface releasing the gas into the atmosphere, resulting in a highly inefficient transfer method. When the size of the nanobubbles is around 200 nm, they no longer behave that way and have a random (Brownian) motion that allows them to remain in the medium for weeks or even months as a reserve of gas in the medium.


Tiny and invisible, ultra-fine bubbles, according to the standard promoted by the FBIA (Fine Bubble Industries Association) are those with a size of less than one micron.


Due to its large cubic capacity and contact surface, the gas transferred to the medium by nanobubbles far outperforms conventional diffusion methods in both speed and efficiency. This makes it possible to reach saturation levels with different gases in a much more optimal and controllable way than traditional technologies.


Every bubble possesses an electrical charge, and this charge increases exponentially as the size of the bubble decreases. Nanobubbles have such a high negative electric charge (Zeta Potential) that it promotes repulsion between them, thus preventing their coalescence and contributing to their stability over time. Its high Zeta Potential generates the formation of free radicals (atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons) that promote the oxidation of lipids, proteins and even DNA, allowing microorganisms such as fungi, algae and bacteria to be reduced and in some cases completely eliminated.

We are the first company in America to be elected as a member of the Fine Bubble Industries Association (FBIA); A trade organization, based in Japan, that brings together and leads the development of Ultra Fine Bubbles worldwide.


Kran nanobubble generator equipment is manufactured with the highest quality stainless steel, delivering an industrial grade product to work in any environmental and climatic conditions.

It works by pumping a liquid flow into the equipment at the same time as injecting gas. From this, controlled turbulence occurs inside the equipment that results in the generation of gas nanobubbles, which can reach a concentration of up to 400 million per milliliter.


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